Monday, October 17, 2011

*** Viver ... Live ... Vivre!***

In life, laughter is the best medecine, they say:
but music remains the doctor of our souls!
And some pieces are just resonating more than others...

Thank you, Noa, for the gift of this performance,
of this truly great song.

Sempre Por O Melhor

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Sunday, October 09, 2011

It's All About The Metabolism!

Nutrition, exercise, a healthy lifestyle - it all helps to sustain and ultimately make you healthier throughout your life. But, really, in the end, you have got to work with what you have been given: and that is your basic internal structure that is unique and specific to you!

Alas, for other people, it's all about something else...

Of course, in one's life, one has to make choices and decide what is more important to him or her: it's either the health or the wealth - boys!
And gals!


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