I've said it before and I'll never say it enough: music is the only doctor you should ever need! When the soul is healed, everything else is kickstarted as well! The Doobie Brothers never had it so right when they stated that music is indeed the music of one's soul - except for that one time when they truly figured it all out right here...! But that is another Story...
Relaxing melodies will soothe your spirits and free your brain to release the discharge throughout your body that it sorely needs! It is a far better alternative to stuffing oneself with pills and assorted poisons!
And what better soothing melody than this one:
Because good living cannot be achieved without music!
A bed that grazes the ceiling and a brick wall. A tiny bathroom in which one has to be careful not to bang their knee when sitting or getting up from the toilet. A tiny kitchenette that allows you to shop for food on a daily basis. A home office in which she can write, surf the web and make art too, while files tower before her as the only way to have any storage at all was to indeed go vertical - what else. All that and the tiniest corner of living space there could be - to read and relax - along with the most restrained open space left for exercise and stretching in the morning...!
All in all, a 90-square-foot loft (or "microstudio" as the case may be) that is close to everything you need, career-wise and perhaps culture-wise (it is NYC we are talking about; culture is not synonymous with elegance there! But I am digressing already...) which therefore allows you to pursue your dreams of artistic and creative endeavors all about town! At 700$ a month, which is supposed to be a bargain price there, it is quite the deal - all things considered, that is...
Truth be told, this artistic soul that is willing to live in such a cloistered space in order to make her projects go through is also an expert on making the most out of any available space! She's Felice Cohen (no relation to Leonard - I hope. Light your cigarette elsewhere, you creep! But I am digressing once more...) and she is being hailed as not only a professional organizer but an organizational genius!
And you can all see why right here and now, thanks to FairCompanies.com and YouTube - of course:
It truly is all you need in order to live comfortably: a place to sit, a place to stretch and scratch, a place to eat, a place to read and write, a place to poop and a place to sleep! How many square feet does one really need to do all that anyways, hmm?
Now, one has to remark that she reveals ALSO HAVING office/studio space somewhere else, "downtown" as she puts it... Hmm...
Next: we will explore the charms of living in a hobbit hole, for sure...
Who needs extra closet space, anyways? It's overrated!
Born in the Age of Aquarius, destined to seek out truths in many an art form, trained as a historian and a journalist but truly a prose-lover... Luciano is out to dispel any clichés and reinvent them all both to the tune of a little something called the truth as also to his own image - and being old-fashioned, he does not mind that distinction one infinitesimal tiny bit at all...! "There are two ways to spread the light; be the candle... or the mirror that reflects It." I have chosen to be the latter... okay? ~*~
"To be not only a seeker of light... but a dream weaver of light" ~*~ For as surely as the moon reflects the light from the sun, you and I can reflect the Light from Above - and be, indeed, the light of this world! ~*~*~*~ NOTE: THERE ARE COOKIES ~ from at least three parties~ ON ALL OF MY BLOGS! ~*~ accept it!